Cooley Waterproofing Solutions is the world’s premier developer, manufacturer and distributor of waterproofing products sold through customized private label relationships. Cooley services the commercial roofing, recreational vehicle and underground tunnel and structural markets. Cooley’s commitment to performance includes full conformance with all UL, FM and other national and international standards. In keeping with the company’s environmental commitments, Cooley takes back all used waterproofing products at the end of their useful life to repurpose into new Cooley solutions.
Cooley is the premier private label manufacturer of high-performance, commercial roofing membranes in the world. Cooley’s roots in the roofing industry trace back to 1977 when the company produced its first commercial roofing membrane. Since then, Cooley single-ply membranes have been installed on more than one billion feet2 (100 million meters2) of roofs around the world – from the toughest climates in North America to those in the Middle East and Asia.
C3® Plus PVC | C2™ Plus PVC | CSP™-TPO Plus | Modular Roofing | CoolGrip® Walkpads

Cooley offers a diversity of waterproofing technologies for the recreational vehicle (RV) and mobile roofing marketplaces. Cooley is the only manufacturer offering high-performance, TPO and PVC membranes up to 13 feet wide for RV and modular structure roofs. Because there are no seams running down the center of the sheet, Cooley products offer a clean, leak-free, and seam-free roof. Less seaming means less labor for original equipment manufacturers and service shops (re-roofing of RVs).